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Offroad Tracks - GPS - Siena Offroad
English Italiano

Here below you will find the Gps files about 30 offroad tracks in the province of Siena. Click on the track to see details and images or Click here to see all the tracks on the interactive map. All the tracks have been registered by us directly on place and they are very reliable. You will find the list of which kind of vehicle is possible to use to follow each of them, from Mountain Bike to 4x4 Car, and the level of Difficulty. All theese tracks have been tested on place and updated by us, they are not obtained from the Web, Google Earth or military maps that, as you can imagine, cannot give you the safety to be followed (consider for example gates, fences, landslides, recent asphalt, etc). If you have a Gps and you want to make a sure offroad without lose any time you are in the right page, and we don't want to sin of modesty but we think it's very difficult to find, inside the whole Web, offroad tracks as tested and updates as theese. Sometimes we will add some new track, so if you are interested visit often our web site ! Gps files about the tracks you will find here below are on sale individually for 6 euro each or all together, cheaper and more convenient solution, with the CD-Gps Utility. For practical reasons, we will let you download the files by clicking on a link; eventually you can print the cover in order to have the physical cd. If you are interested on the purchase of one or more single files Click here, otherwise if you are interested on the purchase of all the files click on the image of CD Siena Offroad Tracks here below at right.

Attention: If you have not a Gps or you don't like to go alone, we can accompany you and your friends along a beautiful Tour Enduro on the Appennino: we will travel in very nice areas with wonderful landscapes and under shady woods. We can drive together with our motorbikes on incredible mountains, fun crossing torrents and rivers, climb hill of clay along winding tracks as Russian Mountains. If you are interested on this suggestion Click here.

Location(Area and locality)
Siena offroad - Code SI-01
San Gimignano - Poggibonsi
Siena offroad - Code SI-02
Poggibonsi - San Gimigniano
Siena offroad - Code SI-03
Poggibonsi - Lilliano
Siena offroad - Code SI-04
Colle Di Val D'Elsa - Quartaia
Siena offroad - Code SI-05
Colle Di Val D'Elsa
Siena offroad - Code SI-06
Lornano - Castellina S.Abate - Monteriggioni
Siena offroad - Code SI-07
Topina - San Leonino - Fonterutoli
Siena offroad - Code SI-08
Fonterutoli - Vagliagli
Siena offroad - Code SI-09
Vagliagli - Radda In Chianti
Siena offroad - Code SI-10
Montegrossi - Starda
Siena offroad - Code SI-11
Vagliagli - Prevasciata
Siena offroad - Code SI-12
San Vincenti - Monte Benichi
Siena offroad - Code SI-13
Monte Benichi - Pietraviva
Siena offroad - Code SI-14
Prevasciata - Vitignano - Pianella
Siena offroad - Code SI-15
Scorgiano - Pievescola
Siena offroad - Code SI-16
Montauto - Arcaiano
Siena offroad - Code SI-17
Presciano - Vico D'Arbia
Siena offroad - Code SI-18
Rapale - Palazzuolo
Siena offroad - Code SI-19
Sovicille - Ampugnano
Siena offroad - Code SI-20
Vescovado Di Murlo - Radi - Siena
Siena offroad - Code SI-21
Monteroni D'Arbia - San Fabiano
Siena offroad - Code SI-22
Castelnuovo Di Berardenga - Monte S.Marie
Siena offroad - Code SI-23
Asciano - Monte Sante Marie
Siena offroad - Code SI-24
Palazzuolo - Rapolano Terme
Siena offroad - Code SI-25
Ponte D'Arbia - Asciano
Siena offroad - Code SI-26
Pompana - Montepescini - Befa
Siena offroad - Code SI-27
Montalcino - Castello Bibbiano
Siena offroad - Code SI-28
Montalcino - Torrieri
Siena offroad - Code SI-29
Buonconvento - San Giovanni D'Asso
Siena offroad - Code SI-30
Torrieri - San Quirico D'Orcia
Cd-Gps Utility
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